Saturday, June 5, 2010

green beans, ants, and a mommy on the edge!

Alone time. Where is mine? Do we get a certain allotment or is it only given after exemplary behavior? I have spent two nights without children in 32 months. I wasn't with my husband and I slept only for 2 hours in my best friend's bed and 2 hours in a hotel room. (I know how that sounds, but I was ALONE, and driving back from Nashville I got too tired. )

As I look around at the disheveled mess that was my clean house just two short days ago I am exhausted. There are green beans and carrots deep down in the lining of the high chair which means stripping it and washing ALL of it. There were ants in our kitchen yesterday because my two year old son REFUSES to sit down at his little table for any period exceeding thirty seconds. Naturally he is still hungry every time he gets up so the food goes straight into the living room. Its a huge no no, but its only a 2 foot walk so by the time I see him he's already lounging on the couch with a fist full of goldfish, fingers glowing in all of their yellow cheese powder glory.
Every time there is a fit the milk cup goes flying and though it is seriously the most leak proof cup I have ever encountered ( Nalgene Tritan Grip n Gulp. Can be found at Dick's sporting goods and Target stores in the exercise/camping section) there is still somehow a bit of "milk spit" in the hard top nipple that goes flying. Not enough to make a real mess, but just enough to drive one woman crazy.

I'm so proud of how well my children get along. They truly do play well together until they don't, and growing up with three brothers I know that sometimes they won't. The green monster is starting to rear his ugly head in my beautiful little boy. Abram now wants only to be a "baby". He no longer wants to potty train. He wants to eat baby food puffs, and he pushes,knocks down, snatches toys from his sister every chance he gets.
Terrible two's are in full force and "NO" is the first word to EVERY question. "Do you need to potty?" "NO!!" "Do you want a pb&j?" "NO!!" "Will you ever say anything besides NO?" "NO!"

I now grasp fully why "Super Nanny" exists. Its days like today when a woman's husband is at work, her kids rise early, the house gets trashed, and she's too tired to deal. Now I find myself more often than breaths I'm taking, saying "NO" to everything. No screaming, no jumping on the couch, no tackling me just because I sat on the floor for a minute, NO playing in the potty. Etc. NO. Etc.

Today I will "willingly" put both of my children down for a nap at the same time. (They do this most days, but day it is mandatory). I will force myself to set a strict time line and clean up their gigantic mess, change out the laundry (most likely after rewashing the things that got left in there for the last 24 hours), SHOWER, and prepare myself for the last 4 hours of the day with them. My son will sleep in his own bed tonight and at 9p.m. I WILL get my alone time. Even if I only last for 30 mins.

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