Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Is it really Tuesday?

Today does NOT feel like Tuesday to me. It feels like Monday. I'm tired with a headache, my daughter is cranky, and the rain outside isn't helping me feel motivated to get ready for our swimming playdate. ha. swimming. Of course it would rain on a swimming day. Instead it looks like cabin fever for me and mine. I am completely over extended over the next few weeks, and I'm still trying to figure out how to work it all through. Tuesdays are usually a day for clarity for me. Monday is crazy, but then I sleep and on Tuesday I feel refreshed and ready to take it all on. Not today. Today is my Monday, and as such I unfortunately have about five minutes to contribute to my blog. Here is what I'm thinking. I saw this on a friend's status today and I think it was meant for me:

... that you are a human being, not a human doing. Take time to just be, to breathe slowly, to feel your body that is the temple of your soul. No activities, no worries, no buzzing.
So I thought I'd change the mood of the day before it gets away from me. I plan to meditate on one of my favorite verses: 
Psalm 37:7  "Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him,..."
My overbooked calender is just words on a page. When I look deeper I see that God is blessing me with the ability to provide a service for some children at our church which will no doubt end up enriching my life more than I expect it to. I can see that none of my commitments feel like burdens and that all of them measure up to a person choosing to use the time and energy given her, instead of sitting around and wasting life away.

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